Tuesday, 9 October 2012

I am Half-Past-Six

Only a Half-Past-Six can fit those pair of giant shoes
What is the meaning of Half-Past-Six?  You can try looking in any dictionary.  There are many different meanings.  All of them apply to me.  But in my definition, Half-Past-Six means “not being able to do even a simple job, pretending to know everything but actually know nothing, cannot perform at all and likes to talk about adult topics even in the office during working hours”.   Well, that's me one hundred percent.   During my office as Pengosa Custam, office time is from 8.00 am to 4.30 pm,  but I usually arrived for work at 8.30 am,  then take a break from 9.00 to 10.30 am, then lunch from 11.00 am to 2.30 pm, break again at 3.00 to 4.00 pm, then at 4.30 pm I am ready to go home.  Between breaks, I actually did not do my work, but I went to chit-chat with my colleagues at their desks talking about adult topics all the time.   My favorite topic is "the purpose of the man balls is to prevent him from being sucked into the black hole".  I do not know why I like to think like that.  I must meditate for at least fifteen minutes about adult things before I can do my work.   After many years of having and practicing daily lives like that, suddenly I realized that I am ready to retire.  I enjoyed being paid for doing nothing and oppress people.  I wish I can live for the next three thousand years by being a Half-Past-Six so that I can oppress more people, get more money and then travel all over the world.

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